Difficult Inheritance with Peter Banki

What to do with the gifts of one’s inheritance? How to do we prepare for them and receive them? How do we assume our responsibilities in relation to the growing inequalities in our society and the prevalence of inter-generational trauma?

Many of us don’t think about inheritance until it happens. Or if we do think about it, there can be a great deal of anxiety. What will I do with what I am given? Will I be given enough? How will I deal with it?

We don’t simply inherit assets and objects (cherished or otherwise), but unconscious memories, values and patterns of behaviour from our families and the wider culture. These often force us to make very difficult decisions, asking us to answer for what is most important to you.

“Wills make adults of us all”, says David Marr profoundly.

In deciding what to do with what we receive beyond consent, we are obliged to address the impasses and unfinished business of our families and culture. Relationships can be damaged or transformed in the process. Inheritance can change our lives entirely.

In this workshop we will consider difficult freedom and responsibility in relation to inheritance, staying with the trouble and the mess.


Humour and Humanity in Writing about Death with Jackie Dent and Nadine Cohen