
"The Death and Dying Festival is remarkable. Physically the pace of 90 min workshops and 30 min reflection times works well. Intellectually there is a very satisfying mix from academic research to frontline medical reality, from philosophical inquiry to hands on community practictioners. Reaching beyond words are the workshops exploring movement and meditation. My mind, body and spirit came away changed and ideas from this Festival will ripple into my business practice and ultimately into a more compassionate community." Joe Flynn, Facilitator, Joe Flynn & Associates 

"'Festival' is the operative word in describing this event. Other appropriate words include, informative, fun, entertaining and touching. Good souls succour." Lee K Curtis, Mindful Transtitions: End of Life Education and Support

"Anyone who has blood pumping through their veins should go to the Festival of Death and Dying. It is not morbid, it actually makes you feel electrifyingly alive. Thinking about death throes in sharp relief what you want your life to be about." Becca Leaver, Sydney

"This conference gave me much to ponder on as I age, and desire to make my death as easy and memorable as possible for those I leave behind." MaryAnne CALEO, Sydney

"Thank you to Peter and Team for this excellent weekend. The presenters were appropiate, well informed and generous in sharing their knowledge and wisdom. It is a joy to network and share with othesr from such diverse backgrounds and to recognise a kindred spirit within that sharing.. There is such a great deal of planning, prepering and work involved in such a weekend, so I want to acknowledge thoses involved and recognition that without your committment over many months such a weekend would not happen. With gratitude to all." Judith Hunt, Sydney

"I thoroughly enjoyed the workshops and presentations and would highly recommend to anyone in the community to attend next year. They are sure to be inspired and encouraged by their choices around end of life care." Kathryn Breusch, Sydney

"This smorgasbord of death and dying gives a delightful taster of the many aspects of dying, grieving, surrendering, being, rejoicing and exploring life. I laughed, I cried, I was awed by people's ability to share so openly." Ruth Boydell, Newcastle

"I learned that there are options. To speak up. To ask for more time when dealing with the death of a loved one - before "arrangements" are made. It's OK to ask for time. There are people who can help and organisations who can help as advocates. How important these conversations are about what we want for ourselves in our care before death.

Despite what many might think a Festival of Death and Dying might be like, I found the whole experience really life affirming. It felt very special for the "veil" to be lifted on the realities, practicalities, mystery, fear, love and all that lies in between for those passing and those left behind. I came out of curiosity, realising there is so little I know and so little broadly talked about this rite of passage we will ALL experience. I learnt so much more than I anticipated, and have come away feeling quite passionate about the importance of continuing this conversation in my life with those around me. - Angela Ashley-Chiew, Melbourne

"This festival was full of genuine caring people who I felt were working towards respect, dignity, compassion and normality to be part of the experience of death and dying in our country. It was admirable and I felt blessed to be in the company of so many people willing to be with the dying with respect and integrity . Anne Mathison, Melbourne

"The overall atmosphere was a stand-out. It is so refreshing to have a space to discuss issues around death and dying." C.B, Melbourne

"The workshops were highly stimulating, interesting and it was a great opportunity to meet people from similar work backgrounds sharing a similar interest in the topics explored." J. G., Melbourne

"It was fantastic. Incredibly invigorating. Intimate. Stand out experience: The atmosphere created by the event - both presenters and attendees, and connections with people I made. It's okay to be anxious about going. I was. But my anxiety soon melted away and I felt held in love and companionship. The Festival of Death and Dying is an incredibly invigorating and liberating experience. Highly recommended." KR, Melbourne

"Definitely not threatening or morbid this was a festival of diverse and interesting activities and talks which said "get out there and get involved!" KB, Melbourne

"The inaugural Sydney Festival of Death and Dying was curated in an inclusive sensitive and person-centred way. Bookended at its opening and closing by ceremonies of searching and provoking music, ritual and installation, the 8 possible workshops over two full days offered world class discourse, conteplation, movement music and creativity. Heartfelt hurrah for and to curators presenters and hard working volunteers. You have created a platform for a courageous and amazing re-invention of the death and dying conversation." SR, Sydney

"This Festival was challenging, absorbing, thought-provoking & heart - felt. It was a mix of experiential workshops, problem- solving, shared information & learning. I loved the creative arts perspective, the intellectual frameworks & sharing of experiences from people who were presenting, & those who attended the Festival. I felt the Festival de-stigmatised 'death' & engaged with a different perspective to address the complexity of 'death'. It demonstrated to me that death is, culturally, a social construction." FB, Sydney

"Came with an open mind, left with an open heart. A lot of love, care and knowledge went into this festival. The presenters were high quality, experiential and very immersive. This festival encourages you to cherish every breath whilst you're on the planet because one day we'all all go and hopefully without regret. thanks for a great day." Sydney