Peter Banki Peter Banki

Singing Out Our Losses with Jess Aszodi

Western culture has forgotten our mourning songs. Where is the keening, the laments, the uncontrolled wails? Those deep, untameable tones that are the native language of grief? Like tears, they need to be released.

Western culture has forgotten our mourning songs. Where is the keening, the laments, the uncontrolled wails? Those deep, untameable tones that are the native language of grief? Like tears, they need to be released.

In this workshop we will form a temporary village of grieving voices. No singing experience is necessary. Just some courage. Using exercises of breath and sound and communal support, I will invite you to get curious about where grief lives in your body. Holding and attending to these hurts with your own sound. We will seek as yet unsung demons of grief and make an exit wound of our throats.

Grief can feel isolating. But it also holds powerful connective potential. Together we will compassionately share and bear witness to folks singing, crying, wailing or whispering their many losses. Creating a communal song that will live on outside our individual selves, a bridge between what’s here and what’s next.

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Peter Banki Peter Banki

From Music to Silence with Farshid Akhlaghi and Peter Roberts

Can music help in the ultimate encounter with death? Peter Roberts has had the most unusual job in Australia. He is the only Australian Music Thanatologist . He plays his harp for people who are facing their last moments of life. With the spirit of the Persian poet 'Rumi' running through his veins, Peter has one last task to do before he retires.

Can music help in the ultimate encounter with death? An Australian harpist, Peter Roberts, believes it is possible. For the last 23 years, Peter has had the most unusual job in Australia. He is the only Australian Musical Thanatologist . He plays his harp for people who are facing their last moments of life. Peter’s focus is on the dying process and he helps people to die in peace when often everyone wants them to stay. With the spirit of the Persian poet 'Rumi' running through his veins, Peter has one last task to do before he retires.

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Peter Banki Peter Banki

Meeting Cancer with Victoria Spence

How do we meet a cancer diagnosis in our own body? Come and spend time with Victoria Spence as she speaks to treatment, aftermath, 'recovery' and what it takes to meet the grief. She will share what she learnt and the opportunities inherent in meeting, again and anew, a sense of wholeness and self.

Come and spend time with Victoria Spence as she reflects upon her 20 years of practice in death and dying as a mortality doula and holistic funeral director and how, with what was in her kit bag, she met all that came with a cancer diagnosis in her own body.

This workshop speaks to treatment, aftermath, 'recovery' and what it takes to meet the grief, what was learnt and the opportunities inherent in meeting, again and anew, a sense of wholeness and self.

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